
CHEDRO1 conducts IR monitoring at UCU

To ensure the HEI’s compliance with the requirements for Institutional Recognition (IR), the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office I (CHED ROI) visited the Urdaneta City University (UCU) in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, on January 9, 2025.
Dr. Danilo B. Bose, Chief Education Program Specialist; Dr. Al Gerald S. Barde, Education Supervisor II and Focal for Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs); and Dr. Ricky A. Cera, Education Supervisor II and Alternate Focal for LUCs, led the evaluation.
The team reviewed UCU’s compliance with the Policies, Standards, and Guidelines on the Grant of Institutional Recognition as outlined in CHED Memorandum Order No. 18, series of 2022 including UCU’s mandate and purpose, establishment and governance, appropriateness of facilities, and sustainability of operations.
During the exit conference, Dr. Christine Nabor-Ferrer, Director IV of CHED ROI, joined the team in sharing the observations with Atty. Amihan April C. Mella-Alcazar, UCU Acting President, and other university officials.
Founded in 1966, UCU holds the distinction of being the oldest among the four LUCs with IR in Region I.
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